Did Romana Didulo become commander in chief of Canada? No, that's not true: according to a spokesperson from the Canadian government, the head of state of Canada is still Queen Elizabeth II and the head of government is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Didulo is simply the leader of Canada1st, a group that is not "part of or beholden to the corrupt and inhumane Globalist/Communists/NWO/UN/Great Reset/2021/2030Agenda."
The story originated from a video published on BitChute on May 25, 2021, titled "CANADA'S NEW APPOINTED HEAD OF STATE AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF - TRUDEAU IS OUT" (archived here) which opened:
Hello Canada, I'm Romana Didulo. I'm the founder and leader of Canada 1st. As of February, this year, 2021, I am the head of state and commander-in-chief of Canada the republic.
The caption underneath the video read:
BEFORE MAKING DUMB, IGNORANT COMMENTS, GO TO THE SOURCE IN THE DESCRIPTION BOX. THE PARTY IS FOR REAL. Romana Didulo is of Japanese origin source: https://www.canada1stpartyofcanada.ca/
This site has been attacked and taken down: Link - https://t.me/s/romanadidulo Canada APPARENTLY has a newly appointed Head of State and commander in chief as of February, 2021. Justin Trudeau is no longer the Prime Minister and has no authority to issue rules and regulations, quite similar to the fake U.S. President Biden. I'm betting most Canadians are unaware of this, ..... I know I'm unaware. Your Lying Mainstream News is not about to report on this story, but Social Media will. What's Coming Cannot Be Stopped.
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:
Canada is not a republic, because its head of state is a monarch. It is a constitutional monarchy and one of the 15 members of the British commonwealth. Didulo's fictitious Canada would not qualify as a republic, either, as there appears to have been no election to install its head of state. Republics are defined by governance by elected representatives, typically with a president at the top.
Lead Stories emailed the Canadian government and the press office of Royal Collection Trust in the United Kingdom on June 9, 2021, for comment about the nature of this claim and if there was any validity to it. On June 11, 2021, Nathan Pylypuk, a Department of Canadian Heritage representative responded to our inquiry:
I can confirm that the claims made by Ms. Romana Didulo are false. Canada's current Head of Government remains Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is Canada's current Head of State. Any statements to the contrary are false. Information on the Structure of government in Canada can be found on the Government of Canada's official website at Structure of government - Canada.ca.