Did a woman frighten her husband and cause him to have a heart attack by making a likeness of his girlfriend's head and leaving it in their refrigerator? No, that's not true: This unnerving refrigerator photo of an item wrapped with paper printed with a life-size image of a woman's face went viral in early April 2019 without the accompanying story about the wife, the lover and the husband's heart attack. The anecdote came later, which points to it being added to attract more interest.
The earliest edition of this image was on Reddit on April 6, 2019. It resurfaced on Facebook on July 19, 2021, with the caption, "Omg priceless!!" The text on the meme reads:
A wife printed the face of her husband's newly discovered lover, glued it to a watermelon and put it in fridge
This one deserves the Oscar for special effects and makeup.
The husband is hospitalized after suffering a heart attack.
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Jul 28 22:17:14 2021 UTC)
The original caption accompanying the April 6, 2019, photo on Reddit simply said:
This is why you should not wrap your food in newspapers.
An Indonesian website, brilio.net, published a listicle on April 10, 2019, with a collection of quirky and unusual things in refrigerators -- including this picture. Translated, the caption reads:
How do you feel when you open the refrigerator and see something like this?
On the same day, the website news.tvbs.com.tw also posted about the picture in the Reddit thread. This article included a second similar photo of something wrapped in newspaper printed with a glamor photo and then placed in a clear plastic bag in the freezer. The article explains:
In order to prolong the freshness, many people will wrap the food in newspapers and put it in the refrigerator. A Reddit user shared a photo in the community discussion area 'reddit'. In the lower level of the refrigerator, there was a huge human head lying sideways with a drink beside it. The horrifying photo attracted many people to repost it.
A May 20, 2019, fact check by truthorfiction.com reported that it took about a month for the original photo to travel from Reddit to Facebook and to acquire the new story about the cheating husband's heart attack.