Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain "sharp metal pieces" or some kind of "metal structure"? No, that's not true. A video claims doctors and scientists have performed a new experiment where they looked at vials of "pure vaccine" for multiple COVID-19 vaccines under a microscope and observed metal and metallic pieces in the liquid. Documents posted by the Food & Drug Administration show none of the ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccines approved in the United States or the U.K. contain metal, and Pfizer responded to the specific claim to say it is untrue.
The claim appeared as a video (archived here) where it was published by The Stew Peters Show on Rumble on September 24, 2021 under the title "BREAKING: Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW! Doctors, Scientists Reveal Findings." It opened:
We're going to get right into it, Dr. Jane Ruby is back with us today with what she says are bombshell findings from a group called the "Corona Committee Conference."
Readers saw this on the website:
(Source: Website screenshot taken on Tues Sept 25 17:05:29 2021 UTC)
Jane Ruby, the guest on the internet show, has previously identified herself as a nurse practitioner, not a medical doctor, but a caption in the video refers to her as "Dr. Jane Ruby." Her Twitter account was suspended as of September 28, 2021, for violations of Twitter rules. Lead Stories has debunked previous false claims made by Ruby here, here, and here.
In the segment, Ruby is identified as an "expert pharmaceutical researcher." She claims a press conference held by the "Corona Committee Conference" in Germany revealed there were "sharp metal pieces," and "some kind of metal structure" in vials of the COVID-19 vaccine that were observed under a microscope. There is no proof in the video that the group tested actual vaccines and their claims have not been peer-reviewed in a published report. An independent lab has not verified that what was said at the conference is accurate. However, she repeats claims about the vaccine that Lead Stories has previously debunked.
At :57 in the video she claimed the slide images of the liquid show small pieces of metal:
They have looked collectively, at hundreds, maybe a thousand or more vials of these injections across Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca and what they have found is shocking. Millions of sharp edged metal pieces...we're talking about just a droplet on a plate and they're seeing hundreds of these sharp edged metal pieces. They're seeing parasite material."
The Centers for Disease Control lists the ingredients of the three vaccines that are approved for use in the United States on their website and stated in the Notes section:
* None of the vaccines contain eggs, gelatin, latex, or preservatives. All COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, rare earth alloys or any manufactured products such as microelectronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, or nanowire semiconductors."
Pfizer-BioNTech emailed Lead Stories on September 28, 2021 denying there are any metal pieces in its COVID-19 vaccine:
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine does not contain any metals or cause any response to magnetic fields."
At 9:37 in the video, Peters repeats a claim that Lead Stories has previously debunked about the COVID-19 vaccine containing graphene oxide:
We have recently talked about a microscopy expert that speculated or reported that his findings were that stainless steel and other metals along with graphene oxide and parasites were inside of this. This is corroborating that report."
Lead Stories has previously debunked evidence-free graphene oxide claims presented on the "Stew Peters Show" in the past. On July 5, 2021, Jane Ruby was a guest on the show, claiming that the vaccines were made of 99.99% graphene oxide. On a July 28, 2021, episode of the show the claim was made that graphene oxide is in the vaccines.
Pfizer says there is no graphene oxide in its vaccine, citing the Food & Drug Administration's fact sheet on the drug. A Pfizer media relations officer said:
Graphene oxide is not used in the manufacture of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The full list of ingredients are listed on page 2 here.
Lead Stories reached out to Moderna and AstraZeneca for comment and will update the story when a response is received.