Did conservative commentator Ben Shapiro tweet that liberals "make up anatomical parts like the 'clitoris'"? No, that's not true. A counterfeit Shapiro tweet that claims he doesn't believe part of the female anatomy is part of a series of satirical posts trolling him.
The claim appeared as a post (archived here) where it was published on Facebook on November 1, 2021. It opened:
I think it's very amusing that liberals claim to be the party of science when they're the ones who invent new genders, have all these wild doomsday notions of climate change, and make up anatomical parts like the "clitoris."
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Mon Nov 1 17:56:14 2021 UTC)
The fake tweet has the date of October 30, 2021. It also has 13B r/etweets and 42 quote tweets, both unlikely numbers.
A Twitter search of "Ben Shapiro Clitoris" does not yield results for any such tweet.
Shapiro's sex life is a target of fake tweets, as Lead Stories has reported on here and here.
He was previously mocked about a tweet he posted about his wife's opinion of Cardi B's song "WAP," but that was a real tweet:
Listen, guys. I fully explained on the show that it's misogynistic to question whether graphic descriptions of "wet-ass p****" is empowering for women. "WAP" is obviously an incredibly profound statement of women's empowerment, a la Susan B. Anthony. https://t.co/KKYerf1dGW
-- Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 10, 2020
Rolling Stone magazine described the "faux outrage" expressed by Shapiro over the Cardi B song that set him up for criticism of his own sex life with his wife.