Are actors Roseanne Barr and Michael Richards developing a "new non-woke sitcom focused on traditional values"? No, that's not true: The site that produced this claim describes itself as satirical. Lead Stories could find no evidence that this claim was legitimate.
The claim appeared in a Facebook post (archived here) by SpaceX Fanclub on April 12, 2024. The caption on the post read:
Roseanne Barr and Michael Richards Developing A New Non-Woke Sitcom Focused On Traditional Values
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Tue Apr 16 13:58:19 2024 UTC)
On-screen text below photos of the two actors was the same as the caption.
The Facebook page that posted this claim, SpaceX Fanclub, has a Intro that describes its content as satirical (archived here):
We post SATIRE, nothing on this page is real.
The page also features a link to esspots.com. The full article (archived here) on esspots.com has nine tags at the very top, with the first one being "SATIRE."
Esspots.com About Us page (archived here) page read:
Welcome to the US page of Esspots (A Subsidiary of SpaceXMania.com specializing in Satire and Parody News), your one-stop destination for satirical news and commentary about the United States of America. Our team of writers and editors is dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest in fake news and absurdity, all with a healthy dose of humor and satire.
A Google News search (archived here) found nothing to confirm this claim.
SpaceXMania.com says on its About Us page that its goal is "To bring you the freshest fake news, some sassy analysis, and a good dose of satire ..."
Lead Stories' policy is to fact check satires only "if it seems there are enough people believing it is real," when satirical content is misrepresented as real or when satirical content is republished without disclaimers.
Another Lead Stories article on Roseanne Bar can be found here.
Other Lead Stories fact checks about the entertainment industry can be found here.
Lead Stories fact checks on claims related to esspots.com are here, to SpaceX Fanclub are here, and to SpaceXMania are here.