Lawsuit: Nick Gordon Put Bobbi Kristina 'Face Down In A Tub'

  • by: Alan Duke

Bobbi Kristina Brown's fatal brain injury was inflicted by boyfriend Nick Gordon during a fight in which he accused Whitney Houston's daughter of cheating, according to court filing in a lawsuit filed against Gordon.

An amended petition filed in the $40 million lawsuit against Gordon alleges that he "gave Bobbi Kristina a toxic cocktail rendering her unconscious and then put her face down in a tub of cold water causing her to suffer brain damage."

Gordon's lawyers say the accusations are "slanderous and meritless," insisting that Gordon was "the person who loved Krissy most."

Read the full court filing here

The lawsuit seeks $40 million from Gordon for causing the brain injury on January 31, 2015, that led to her death six months later.

The new allegations include a brutal fight just days earlier in which witnesses say Gordon hit Brown "so hard in the face that the couch broke, knocking her to the floor, and continued to beat her in the face until she was bloody."

"Afterwards, he began kicking Bobbi Kristina in the side to the point that she was on the floor screaming and curled up in a fetal position," the filing charges. "As a result of the defendant's attack, Bobbi Kristina's tooth was knocked out and blood was on the floor."

Gordon "then dragged her upstairs by her hair and threw her in the master bedroom, leaving blood on the walls of the staircase," the lawsuit contends. "Afterwards, defendant stated to persons present, 'I don't do this often,' indicating this was not the first time defendant beat her."

The petition alleges new details about the day that Brown was rushed unconscious to a hospital, never to recover. Gordon "returned from an all-night cocaine and drinking binge" that Saturday morning and "became embroiled in a loud argument which began in the kitchen, then moved to the living room, and finally upstairs in the master bedroom. Defendant screamed at Bobbi Kristina accusing her of cheating, going so far as to call her a 'whore,' a 'bitch', and other names. The argument lasted for about 30 minutes and then everything abruptly became quiet."

The court filing includes this chilling accusation: "Upon information and belief, defendant gave Bobbi Kristina a toxic cocktail rendering her unconscious and then put her face down in a tub of cold water causing her to suffer brain damage."

Gordon then allegedly "got in bed, and laid his head on female guest's ankle and stated, 'Now I want a pretty little white girl like you.'" It was 15 minutes later that a male guest in the townhouse found Brown "face down in the bathtub." She was "unresponsive, unconscious, her mouth was swollen, and another tooth was hanging loosely from her mouth."

Gordon let the cold water out of the tub and shouted "Clean up, clean up," the filing says. He "began to slap her saying 'wake up,' and also started performing CPR between slaps."

Brown's death is being investigated by the Roswell, Georgia, police and the Fulton County district attorney's office.

Gordon has a high-powered legal team set to defend him, including Joe Habachy and Jose Baez. Baez is the Florida lawyer who successfully defended Casey Anthony in the murder trial for the death of her daughter.

"The recent lawsuit against Nick is slanderous and meritless," the lawyers said in a statement to Lead Stories."Nick has been heartbroken and destroyed over the loss of his love and it's shameful that such baseless allegations have been presented publicly. Nick has engaged civil counsel and intends to defend the lawsuit vigorously and expose it for what it is: a fictitious assault against the person who loved Krissy most."

Read also: Aunt Fight! Bobbi Kristina Brown's Family Feud

Lead Stories' Trendolizer scours social nets constantly for the hottest trending stories about Bobbi Kristina Brown and her family. Scroll down to see the latest.

  Alan Duke

Editor-in-Chief Alan Duke co-founded Lead Stories after ending a 26-year career with CNN, where he mainly covered entertainment, current affairs and politics. Duke closely covered domestic terrorism cases for CNN, including the Oklahoma City federal building bombing, the UNABOMBER and search for Southeast bomber Eric Robert Rudolph. CNN moved Duke to Los Angeles in 2009 to cover the entertainment beat. Duke also co-hosted a daily podcast with former HLN host Nancy Grace, "Crime Stories with Nancy Grace" and hosted the podcast series "Stan Lee's World: His Real Life Battle with Heroes & Villains." You'll also see Duke in many news documentaries, including on the Reelz channel, CNN and HLN.

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