STORY UPDATED: check for updates below.
Prolific prankster and internet troll Christopher Blair just launched another website to poke fun at unsuspecting conservatives who tend to think his stories are real and who often like, share and comment them into going viral. The name of the new site is "Ladies of Liberty" and right in the launch announcement it is made clear it will publish only satire:
Welcome to Ladies of Liberty. This website is for entertainment purposes only. Nothing you read here should be taken seriously and any and all materials should be viewed as political satire.
No, satire doesn't need to be funny, please see below.
We look forward to telling you 32 times that our site is a collection of pure fiction and watching you share it anyway. Thanks in advance.
And indeed, at the bottom of each page there is a satire disclaimer:
sat·ire ~ˈsaˌtī(ə)r
the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, OR ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
If you disagree with the definition of satire or have decided it is synonymous with "comedy," you should really just move along.
Blair is a self-professed liberal troll from Maine who has made it his full time job to troll gullible conservatives and Trump supporters into liking and sharing his articles. Sometimes he is also known under his nickname "Busta Troll" but many pen names are used on his websites, such as "Flagg Eagleton", "Freedom", "Captain Jellypants", "Butch Mannington" or "Captain Buck Atlantis". His network of sites currently consists of:
- (also new)
- (another new one)
Because of periodic bans by Facebook sites in the network sometimes forcibly change their name and address. We've looked at a few older inactive Blair sites and it looks like some of them will shortly be renamed and relaunched too: they already sport new designs and disclaimers but have no articles yet. Lead Stories will keep you posted if any of that changes.
Articles from Blair's sites frequently get copied by "real" fake news sites who often omit the satire disclaimers and any other hints the stories are fake. Blair has tried to get these sites shut down in the past but new ones keep cropping up.
We look forward to debunking the stories from the new site because they invariably go viral and get shared around via sites that steal the content or just because people don't even click the link before sharing, basing their decision to do that just on the headline and photo alone. Don't be fooled like them...
2017-11-23T10:21:19Z 2017-11-23T10:21:19Z We just discovered another new Blair site: was apparently launched yesterday (the name was registered three days ago on November 20th 2017). The list of sites in this article has been updated.