Did a viral video show muslims rioting in Birmingham because they demand nobody drive down their street during Ramadan? No, that's not true: a video showing Swiss soccer hooligans has been circulating online for weeks with a caption claiming it shows muslim rioters. It is not true, that did not happen
The video appeared in a post published on May 30, 2018 on a Facebook page named "Shay Arama" (archived here) with following caption:
European ! Must must see this !!! The Muslims demanded not to drive in the Ramadan Holiday in Birmingham England! In 10 to 20 years Muslims will control England !
The video can be seen here in an archived version. However, several weeks ago a fact checking website from India already investigated the video and found it showed Swiss soccer hooligans:
Football Fans Vandalism Video Being Shared As Muslims Rioting In Birmingham
CLAIM: Muslims rioted in UK's Birmingham during Ramadan as they wanted to eat on the street RATING: False FACT: The video shows rioters attack cars on a motorway in Switzerland following a football match between Basel and Lucerne.
From the video it is also obvious the cars drive on the right hand side of the road making it impossible to be in Birminham where they drive on the left.