Did some nuns in Albacete, Spain cook magic mushrooms by accident and did they end up in an orgy afterwards? No, that's not true: the story was made up by a Spanish entertainment website and later got translated to English (sort of) for the international version of the site. It is not real.
The story appeared in English as an article published on There Is News on January 3, 2019 titled "Nuns cook magic shrooms in a convent by mistake, and end up in an orgy" (archived here) which opened:
The nonsense happens in Albacete, Spain, in the Negrillas' convent. Magic mushrooms were used by mistake by the nuns for the lunch.
The Holy Church has been tried to hide the event but they cannot do it. A cleaning lady told everybody the story. "I did not want to tell anything, but I maked a mistake, I told to my husband and he told the whole neighborhood, the whole country I think. I apologize to the nuns, to God, and to everybody. I am very sorry."
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail so some people may have thought it was from an actual news or opinion site:
Nuns cook magic shrooms in a convent by mistake, and end up in an orgy
The nonsense happens in Albacete, Spain, in the Negrillas' convent. Magic mushrooms were used by mistake by the nuns for the lunch. The Holy Church has been tried to hide the event but they cannot do it. A cleaning lady told everybody the story. "I did not want to tell anything, but I maked a mistake, I told to my
The exact same tale appeared in Spanish in December 2018:
Cocinan por error setas alucinógenas en un convento y acaba en orgía
El disparatado suceso ha tenido lugar en Albacete, en el convento de las Negrillas, donde utilizaron por error setas alucinógenas en la comida y acabaron pillando a las monjas realizando una orgía lésbica.
The site There Is News carries a "Legal Warging" (archived here) that reads:
Legal Warging
The site "There is news" (http://thereisnews.es) (hereinafter referred to as TIN) is a humor site whose purpose is entertainment.
The content of TIN is fiction and does not correspond to reality.
All references, names, brands or institutions that appear on the site are used as contextual elements, as in any novel or fiction account.
(Note that the site thereisnews.es doesn't exist, only the .com version is live)
The site is the English language version of the Spanish satire site Hay Noticia, which is owned by Spanish humor website/collective La Fabrica de la Comedia S.C.
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