Did Spanish company OlorPur just launch a vagina-scented air freshener onto the marked and were they first with it? No, that's not true: the story was put out by a Spanish humor website as a joke but many people believed to be real. Note that several vagina scented products do in fact exist and are sold but none of them are air fresheners from OlorPur.
The story went viral via an article published by ThereIsNews on October 14, 2019 titled "first vagina scented air freshener launched onto market" (archived here) which opened:
OlorPur , a spanish company, has heard the requests of its customers in recent years and has finally released the first car freshener with a vagina smell. Its price will be around 10 euros. and will guarantee an intense vagina smell for at least 2 weeks.
"Our target is basically single truck drivers and tourism drivers, but we want to reach every kind of public. We invite everybody to try," said a company commentator. "Nobody should worry about it, it is a smell of clean, freshly showered vagina, we are not crazy", he defended himself against some accusations that treated them as perverts and crazy people.
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:
first vagina scented air freshener launched onto market
OlorPur , a spanish company, has heard the requests of its customers in recent years and has finally released the first car freshener with a vagina smell. Its price will be around 10 euros. and will guarantee an intense vagina smell for at least 2 weeks. "Our target is basically single truck drivers and tourism
The header of the website include the slogan "Not Real, But So Funny":
The footer of the site There Is News has a link to a "Legal Warging" (archived here) that reads:
Legal Warging
The site "There is news" (https://thereisnews.com) (hereinafter referred to as TIN) is a humor site whose purpose is entertainment.
The content of TIN is fiction and does not correspond to reality.
All references, names, brands or institutions that appear on the site are used as contextual elements, as in any novel or fiction account.
The link to this warning is also repeated after every article.
The site is the English language version of the Spanish satire site Hay Noticia, which is owned by Spanish humor website/collective La Fabrica de la Comedia S.C.
The vagina air freshener story was first published on the Spanish version of the site on October 11:
Sale al mercado el primer ambientador de coche con olor a vagina
La empresa OlorPur ha oído las peticiones de su clientela de los últimos años y ha sacado por fin al mercado el primer ambientador para coche con olor a vagina. Su precio rondará los 10 eur. y garantízará un olor intenso a aparato vaginal durante al menos 2 semanas.
The product image seems to be a photoshop of this (real) lemon-scented air freshener:
Ambientadores auto
Ambientador para coche de Aroma Limón Ambientador disponible en varios colores al mejor precio y calidad. Rápida entrega, seguridad y total garantía. Si fuera necesario elegir color al comprar, hagaló posteriormente en comentarios del pedido. Marcaje de publicidad opcional en ambientadores B Ambientador aroma limón para rejilla de automóvil.
Note that several vagina scented products are actually for sale in the real world if that is your kind of thing, for example here and here, but the "air freshener" from OlorPur is a fictional product.
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