Is the installation of 5G in the United Kingdom a "cover-up" for a secret weapon deployment? No, that's not true: There is no evidence to support the bizarre ramblings in a YouTube video making the claim. The poster suggested the fifth-generation wireless technology is a lethal weapon deployment being done while the country is following stay-at-home guidance due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
It's just the latest conspiracy theory about 5G that isn't borne out by facts.
The claim appeared in a post published on YouTube by Anthony Steele on March 27, 2020, titled "5G LED VIRUS COVER UP OF THE WEAPON DEPLOYMENT" (archived here). It opened:
Users on social media only saw this:
The video spouted off a series of claims that are not supported by facts, and Steele offered no evidence to back up the assertions.
He said that the "cabal's in full disarray" and suggested that 5G towers are being constructed near schools because telecommunications companies and the government "want to kill your children first."
He also said the high-speed cellular technology could cause flu-like symptoms, pneumonia, even death.
However, Dr. Payam Heydari, Ph.D., a professor of electrical engineering at the University of California, Irvine, previously told Lead Stories that health concerns about 5G are unfounded:
People should not be really concerned for the following reasons: despite the fact that these wireless companies such as Verizon, AT&T and the backbone hardware companies, such as Apple, Broadcom, Qualcomm, they're advertising that 'Oh, 5G is totally new, it's nothing compared to 4G or other standards,' let me tell you what. When it comes to user-to-user communication, there is not much difference really when it comes to the frequency usage. The bandwidth per user will increase, of course. But there is not much difference. Think about it: the big semiconductor and high-tech companies are not ready to completely revolutionize the wireless infrastructure by just abandoning the (existing) cell phones and just use another completely different cell phone.
Steele also suggested that the U.K. government was using the "stay-at-home" guidance during the coronavirus pandemic as a guise for a secret weapon deployment program. However, he offered no evidence for his speculations.
He also called the coronavirus a "hoax," even though more than 63,000 people worldwide have died to the pandemic, as of April 4, 2020.
Lastly, Steele said 5G is part of a "Satanic plan", and that the government is a "criminal enterprise." His post links to a new political party in Britain, Save Us Now. Its website lists 5G as one of its chief concerns.
There is no evidence to support the wild conspiracy theory suggesting the British government wants to deliberately kill children by deploying 5G. The high-speed wireless technology remains a popular topic among online scaremongers, though. You can read more related stories here:
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