Fact Check: Postal Service Report Did NOT Confirm Driver's Claims Of Missing Ballots

Fact Check

  • by: Alexis Tereszcuk
Fact Check: Postal Service Report Did NOT Confirm Driver's Claims Of Missing Ballots Counterfactual

Did a U.S. Postal Service report confirm a driver's claims of missing ballots from the 2020 presidential election? No, that's not true: The report released did not corroborate the driver's claims and instead noted that "Investigators confirmed data records indicated all mail contents were properly transported, accounted for, and processed."

The claim appeared in an article published by The Gateway Pundit on June 5, 2023, and titled "HUGE: Postal Service Releases Final Report - Contract Driver Jesse Morgan Vindicated - Report CONFIRMS He Hauled Trailer of Ballots from NY to PA in Late October 2020 | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft" (archived here). It opened, in boldface:

As The Gateway Pundit reported in 2020, election fraud whistleblowers came forward in December following the controversial election, including one who witnessed the shipping of an estimated 144,000-288,000 completed ballots across three state lines on October 21.

Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:

HUGE: Postal Service Releases Final Report - Contract Driver Jesse Morgan Vindicated - Report CONFIRMS He Hauled Trailer of Ballots from NY to PA in Late October 2020 | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

As reported earlier in 2020 by Cassandra Fairbanks new election fraud whistleblowers came forward in December following the controversial election, including one who witnessed the shipping of an estimated 144,000-288,000 completed ballots across three state s on October 21.

The article claimed:

Now this- The American Thinker published a report this weekend. The USPS finally released their report on the accusations of truck drivers hauling completed ballots across state lines into Pennsylvania before election day!
Jesse Morgan was exonerated. No wonder they hid this for a year!

The report, released by the United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General's Mid-Atlantic Area Field Office, however, does not confirm driver Jesse Morgan's claims.
Page 3 of the report states:

The above joint investigation could not corroborate f bl(B); (b)(?)(C) I allegation of missing ballots. The investigation is complete and submitted for closure.

The report redacted Morgan's name and the specific details about the trucks. But Morgan's allegations are listed in the report and in the article. Morgan claimed that he transported hundreds of thousands of completed absentee ballots across three state lines and that a trailer filled with ballots disappeared in Pennsylvania.

The "CLOSING MEMORANDUM" lists the allegations and the findings, none of which confirmed Morgan's claims or The Gateway Pundit's reporting. The USPS report noted that "none of the employees interviewed were able to corroborate" Morgan's allegation.

Page 2 states that the trailer Morgan was driving contained very few (if any) ballots and that it never went missing:

Trailer data records ... indicate most, if not all the mail contents were packages, not letters or ballots. Investigators confirmed data records indicated all mail contents were properly transported, accounted for, and processed.

Investigators conducted numerous interviews with Postal Service employees working on October 21st and October 22nd, who were associated with the inbound/outbound processing of trailer ... None of the employees interviewed were able to corroborate ... allegation. Multiple Postal Service employees recall seeing less than approximately one hundred (100) ballots the entire election season and stated they would notify a supervisor if they saw ballots. No Postal Service employee reported seeing more than 100 ballots on a single day.

Page 3 states that the claims about missing ballots could not be substantiated:

The above joint investigation could not corroborate ... allegation of missing ballots.

Additional Lead Stories fact checks of claims about fraud during the 2020 U.S. elections can be found here.

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  Alexis Tereszcuk

Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories and an award-winning journalist who spent over a decade breaking hard news and celebrity scoop with RadarOnline and Us Weekly.

As the Entertainment Editor, she investigated Hollywood stories and conducted interviews with A-list celebrities and reality stars.  

Alexis’ crime reporting earned her spots as a contributor on the Nancy Grace show, CNN, Fox News and Entertainment Tonight, among others.

Read more about or contact Alexis Tereszcuk

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