Philosopher-activist Cornell West, a supporter of Bernie Sanders, called Hillary Clinton "the Milli Vanilli of American politics," because "she lip-syncs, she gives lip service" and no policy support to Black Americans.
Milli Vanilli was the German pop group that tops the charts until it was revealed the duo didn't sing their own songs.
West, appearing on CNN Monday February 22, 2016, called Clinton out for "pulling the rug from under welfare" when her husband was president and being a "Goldwater Girl" in the 1960s. Barry Goldwater was an ultra-conservative senator who was the GOP presidential nominee in 1964.
"Bernie Sanders was one of the two white public officials who supported Jesse Jackson (when he ran for president) in the 80s, it took tremendous courage," West said. West also noted that Sanders walked in a march with Martin Luther King Jr.
CNN's Chris Cuomo asked West why Clinton had a huge lead over Sanders with African-American voters. "The problem is black voters don't know it's history," West said.