Was an accused pedophile shot dead in Britain the same day after raping a little girl? No, that's not true. A British man wanted in connection with an attack on a teenage girl has been arrested and is not the man who was shot in a posted video. That video is from 2019 and is of a different British man in a different incident. The man accused of raping the teenager was arrested on November 3, 2020 and is alive in police custody, according to UKNIP.com.
The claim appeared as a video published by TapDrillNews on November 3, 2020, titled "Pedofile Kadian Nelson Shot dead Later that day After Raping a little girl" (archived here) which opened:
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Click below to watch the video on YouTube that claimed Nelson was shot and killed:
Suspect Kadian Nelson was wanted by Britain's Met Police for an alleged attack on a teenage girl in southwest London, according to a BBC article titled, "Rape suspect Kadian Nelson urged to hand himself in," and posted on November 3, 2020. He was arrested alive late on November 3, according to the UKNIP.com article titled, "Merton Rapist Kadian Nelson arrested after tip off from member of the public." Nelson was not shot.
The 55-second video posted on YouTube of a man after he was shot is not footage of Nelson. The original video was posted on YouTube in December 2019 and is titled, SOUTH KILBURN SHOOTING. The video claiming to be Nelson has the exact same footage as the 2019 video of a man in a puffy jacket on the ground after being shot. In the video bystanders unzip his jacket and he is wearing a Nike T-shirt. Bystanders on both videos are heard saying, "don't touch."
The Kilburn Times reported about the shooting in a December 2019 article titled, "Teenager in a critical condition after being shot in Kilburn." The newspaper reported Scotland Yard said an 18-year-old man was "suffering from a gunshot wound." The man was not Nelson.