Did Lin Wood have iron-clad sources for his on-camera claims that Donald Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, that COVID-19 is a mild flu China used as a weapon against the U.S. and that the Pfizer vaccine is dangerous? No, that's not true: In his interview on the "Patriotically Correct" show, the Atlanta lawyer recycled false claims that have been debunked by multiple named expert sources. He debunked his own claims when explained to host Stew Peters that he has not been told these things by high-level sources. Instead, Wood said, he hears things (from people he would not identify), relies on his instinct to "connect the dots" and trusts his heart to tell him what is true.
Wood made the claims in an interview on January 18, 2021, on a videotaped episode of "Patriotically Correct Radio" (archived here) under the caption:
EXCLUSIVE! Lin Wood LIVE on Special Broadcast | Patriotically Correct Radio
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EXCLUSIVE! Lin Wood LIVE on Special Broadcast | Patriotically Correct Radio
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Near the end of the interview during which Wood said Donald Trump won in a landslide, that COVID-19 was a Chinese weapon against the U.S., that China is behind election fraud in the U.S. and that the Pfizer vaccine is unsafe, host Peters asked Wood on what he bases his extraordinary claims.
At 13 minutes, 01 seconds Peters says:
And also, this is not a court of law, right? So I mean... I do have... also an obligation to, you know, to the people that tune into the show to, you know, they they send me questions they want to hear from you...and you're a great orator, and, ...people trust you greatly tremendously. So with that being said, I just wanna... just ask you this, and I'm not asking you for specifics. I don't know if you have...information that could compromise national security, and certainly I would never put you in that position. ... you say this stuff with confidence based on information that you hold that you deem to be legitimate. Is that right?
Wood's reply, beginning at 14 minutes:
Yes and no. I get information from a variety of sources. And I judge, just like I do as a lawyer, the credibility of the information I get. And I think God gave me a talent to kind of connect the dots. So, I don't get any direct information from someone that says, 'Hey, I'm the president. This is what we're doing." Or 'Hey, I'm ahead of national intelligence or the NSA, here's what we're doing.' But I get things from people that I trust. I connect the dots and I draw my own conclusions based on my own common sense.
If something makes perfect sense to me, it's perfect truth.
Here are five claims Wood recycled on Peters' show, matched to the Lead Stories debunks of each:
Wood: The Pfizer vaccine is lethal.
Based on standard vaccine testing, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention has declared the Pfizer vaccine offers effective protection against COVID-19 with acceptable risks, similar to other vaccines. Lead Stories reported in November 2020 that claims of Pfizer vaccine lethality are not based in evidence. That fact-check: "Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Does NOT Contain Nanoparticles Never Used Before In Vaccines; Ingredients Are NOT Lethal" is found here, and here is another, that debunks a false claim of a nurse's death from the vaccine.
Wood: China unleashed the pandemic as an attack on the U.S.
Research epidemiologists and journalists have tested this claim and found it false. Here is Lead Stories' September 2020 examination of the evidence: "The Article Accusing China Of Loosing COVID From A Lab Is NOT Tested Science."
Wood: COVID-19 is no more lethal than the seasonal flu.
Lead Stories has searched for evidence that seasonal flu is more lethal than COVID and has found none, publishing these eight fact-checks, which come at the question from a number of angles, looking at CDC mortality data, recent scientific papers, and online claims about death rates.
The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 passed 400,000 on January 19, 2021, as the disease continues to prove U.S. officials' original estimates that it would be about 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu for two reasons: COVID-19 seems to be much more likely to spread and the symptoms are more severe than flu.
Wood: China engineered election fraud in the U.S. to overthrow the Trump government.
Lead Stories has for almost two months tested claims that there was fraud -- by enemies foreign and/or domestic -- massive enough to change the outcome of the U.S. election. Trump advocates won not one of the 60 cases that sought to prove it. Republican and Democratic state officials alike certified the results of state elections. Independent election officials and federal cyber-security officials alike say the largely paper-ballot-driven systems in the states under scrutiny have been used to audit results, finding no significant fraud or errors in the outcome. Lead Stories sought evidence to support claims of fraud and repeatedly found outright falsehoods, faulty mathematical analysis and "witnesses" whose sworn statements did not match what Trump advocates claimed the witnesses saw.
Wood: Trump won in a landslide.
The data from the same electoral system by which Trump won in 2016 clearly shows he lost in 2020 to Joe Biden, who will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021.
Fox News, the strongest media supporter of President Trump throughout his term, reported the popular vote as follows:
Biden - 81,283,495; Trump - 74,223,755 which is a margin of more than 7 million votes.
What follows are Wood's full quotes and where they can be found, using the time code on the video:
At 3 minutes, 49 seconds, Wood said the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is lethal:
...don't fall for this vaccine stuff. This Pfizer vaccine has created a lot of deaths and a lot of bad reactions. Convulsions...stay away from it until we know a lot more about it.
At 4 minutes, 30 seconds, Wood both said the COVID-19 pandemic was a Chinese attack on the U.S. and that it was nothing serious:
That's what they did with COVID-19. It was a SARS virus, a flu....it harmed people with pre-existing conditions, people who did not receive the right treatment...At the end of the day, the numbers, the real numbers would have put COVID-19 in the same category in terms of fatalities as a regular flu. And, you know, we didn't have a flu this year, did we? We did, it was COVID...I laugh and say COVID cured the common cold...China used that as a psychological, biological weapon. It was an attack on America.
At 5 minutes, 20 seconds, Wood said China was behind election interference and election fraud.
It is now confirmed without any doubt, (by) John Ratcliffe, the Director of the Office of National Intelligence, that China was behind the interference and the effort to overthrow our government in the election, election fraud.
At 7 minutes, 19 seconds, Wood said Joe Biden lost the election, not Trump and that Trump will serve at least four more years as president:
Joe Biden did not win this election. Seventy-five percent of the voters voted for Donald Trump in a record landslide victory...people around the world know that our election was a fraud. I've seen the evidence, Sidney Powell has seen the evidence. Many others have seen the evidence, John Ratcliffe has seen the evidence. He knows this was a fraudulent election. Donald Trump was re-elected and I believe that under whatever scenario occurs whether it's martial law with insurrection or military in charge or FEMA in charge, there will be a process in place that will be recognizing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States for four more years.