Fact Check: Zelenko 'Vaccine Death Report' Does NOT Show Credible Data -- It Rehashes Disproven COVID Vaccine Claims

Fact Check

  • by: Sarah Thompson
Fact Check: Zelenko 'Vaccine Death Report' Does NOT Show Credible Data -- It Rehashes Disproven COVID Vaccine Claims Disinfo Digest

Does a 52-page pdf entitled, "The Vaccine Death Report" show how dangerous and deadly COVID-19 vaccines are? No, that's not true: This document contains an international cast of claims that have already been debunked. The vaccine disinformation in this collection carries with it a secondary level of baseless conspiratorial beliefs underpinning most of the talking points that are summarized at the end -- that there is a secret criminal network that has been buying the entire health industry, directs the World Health Organization, owns all mass media, runs most governments and operates in the shadows with a global plot to suppress COVID treatments, hide vaccine deaths and intentionally kill people, mislabeling their deaths as COVID.

The report was published by stopworldcontrol.com on September 25, 2021 as a pdf (archived here) titled "The Vaccine Death Report." It opened:

Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections

Below is the cover page of the .pdf report as it appeared on September 30, 2021.


(Image source: stopworldcontrol.com screenshot taken on Thu Sep 30 16:39:59 2021 UTC)

The report's introductory section says:

The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred, after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

Our aim is to only present solid facts, and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. References can be found with all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.

The data shows that we are currently witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical question: will we rise up to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we permit personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are rising up against this criminal operation. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: There is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice

This report contains a different false claim every page or two. This fact check will briefly review some of the claims with links to individual fact checks on them, labeling those links to existing debunks: Fact Check:

The report was produced by David John Sorensen, author and owner of a website, stopworldcontrol.com, and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, M.D., who sells a dietary supplement called Z-stack. The website hosting this report, stopworldcontrol.com, has a section dedicated to QAnon conspiracies. Under the "USA" tab, at the heading: "Top military intelligence have a plan to save the world" is a lengthy blog post titled, "What The Q Is Going On In Our World?" Here Sorensen explains his belief that the coronavirus pandemic is a strategic plan by a wicked international group to kill or enslave humankind.

Q however never promoted this escape-theology, but on the contrary calls for a worldwide reformation, and restoration of the world. Once humanity wakes up from the mind control by the media, and starts reconnecting to the source of truth, life and love, a brilliant future awaits all of us.

That's also the reason I am writing this post, to help all who read this become aware of the international attack on humanity.

The covid pandemic, and the coming planned pandemics, serve to destroy our world, and enslave us to the claws of the wicked. Their strategy is simple: 'warning' the world for a danger, causing it to happen, and then say:

'See, we warned you. Now listen to us, and let us take control of your lives, to protect you.'

Zelenko became famous quite quickly in the spring of 2020. An April 2, 2020, article in the New York Times described how the small-town doctor's COVID treatment protocol, which included the drug hydroxychloroquine, caught the attention of then-President Donald Trump and was promoted by the president's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. This was after community leaders spoke out against claims made by Zelenko, and an open letter was published by the Kiryas Joel office of emergency management on March 24, 2020. They called on him to stop posting YouTube videos and calling negative attention to their community. By the end of May, Zelenko had posted a video saying he was leaving the Kiryas Joel community.

Zelenko has also been outspoken against COVID vaccines. In a video posted to the stopworldcontrol Rumble channel, Zelenko, speaking to the Ma'aleh Adumim Rabbinical Court in Israel, calls the vaccines a "poison death shot" and compares international vaccination efforts to World War III. Lead Stories recently debunked an article and video that featured Zelenko promoting his Z-stack supplement and also claiming that the vaccines were toxic and COVID was part of a eugenics program contrived over many years to weed out the weak and the vulnerable.

Claim: Vaccine deaths are severely underreported, says "whistleblower" Jane Doe

Fact Check: While misusing the data recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database, this anonymous computer programmer did not provide an analytical model to justify her opinion that the number of reported deaths found in the VAERS database should be multiplied by five.

Claim: Dr. Robert Malone calls the vaccine dangerous

Fact Check: The Food & Drug Administration says there is no scientific data to indicate that the spike protein in mRNA vaccines is toxic.

Claim: Health officials worldwide say the vaccines are not effective

Fact Check: Health officials agree that vaccines help prevent viral replication, reducing the opportunity for mutation to occur. Vaccines may need to adjust to the evolution of the COVID virus.

Claim: The human genome is being modified

Fact Check: Contrary to claims by Dr. Carrie Madej, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that COVID mRNA vaccines do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way. They are designed to stay outside the cell nucleus, which carries human DNA.

Claim: Graphene oxide is in the vaccines and alters the body's electromagnetic field

Fact Check: Graphene oxide is not an ingredient in the vaccines and there is no magnetic ingredient added to the vaccines.

Claim: Andreas Kalcker's "MMS" treatment of chlorine dioxide is a safe way to treat COVID-19

Fact Check: Warnings have been issued about this bleach treatment and Kalcker is being investigated by prosecutors in Argentina over two deaths.

Claim: An undertaker witnessed massive government crimes

Fact Check: John O'Looney's claims do not match publicly available data about U.K. death rates and surges during the COVID pandemic.

Claim: 5G technology, through graphene oxide in the vaccines, will give the powerful the blind obedience of the masses who will "own nothing, have no privacy and be happy"

Fact Check: There have been a wide variety of baseless conspiracy theories based on 5G. The World Economic Forum does not plan to dominate the globe and has no goal to take possessions and privacy or to cause fake happiness by controlling human emotions through nanotechnology. There is no graphene oxide in the vaccines. There is no hidden nefarious secondary purpose of the vaccines or their ingredients. The CDC has a straightforward fact sheet with information about the different vaccines and how they work. This applies to all of them:

COVID-19 vaccines help our bodies develop immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19 without us having to get the illness.

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Lead Stories is working with the CoronaVirusFacts/DatosCoronaVirus Alliance, a coalition of more than 100 fact-checkers who are fighting misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about the alliance here.

  Sarah Thompson

Sarah Thompson lives with her family and pets on a small farm in Indiana. She founded a Facebook page and a blog called “Exploiting the Niche” in 2017 to help others learn about manipulative tactics and avoid scams on social media. Since then she has collaborated with journalists in the USA, Canada and Australia and since December 2019 she works as a Social Media Authenticity Analyst at Lead Stories.


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