Did former President Barack Obama say, "Gotta have them ribs and pussy, too"? Yes, that's true, but he was quoting someone from a book he wrote. He wasn't expressing his own opinion. The 1995 memoir, "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance," explores the events of his early years in Honolulu and Chicago until his entry into Harvard Law School in 1988.
The claim appeared in a Facebook post and video on July 26, 2022, under the title "Did Obama Just Say That." It opened:
Nothing has caught me more off guard than this clip.😂
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Thu Jul 28 18:40:07 2022 UTC)
The seven-second clip is a tiny excerpt from a nearly hourlong video recorded more than a decade before Obama was elected president in 2008. The video was recorded on September 20, 1995, at the Cambridge Public Library in Massachusetts. The book had only been released a few months earlier. The segment in question begins just after the 15-minute mark and the topic is Malcolm X and reactions to his beliefs: