Do COVID-19 vaccines contain the Marburg virus, a severe and often fatal illness in humans? No, that's not true: Each vaccine has its unique formulation, but none include the Marburg virus. The disease is rare, usually found in Africa after a person comes in contact with an infected bat, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told Lead Stories.
The claim appeared in a post and video (archived here) on Instagram by Michael S. Gibson on January 30, 2024. The post's caption said:
If you haven't caught on--the Marburg virus is present in the administered shots, containing nanotechnology and sleeper cells.
The deaths immediately following the vaccine rollout--and the data surfacing today, unveils a darker agenda at play. We were not supposed to become aware of this fact.
Wake up to what's going on and ask the important questions.
• Why are there 5G network towers everywhere but nobody's internet is faster?
• Why are people dropping like flies from a medicine that is supposed to help?
We talk about this and much more in our Intensive; comment 'collapse' for more information.
#2030 #wef #worldeconomicforum #klaus #depopulation #meta #instagram #facebook #zuckerberg #elon #reel #reels #instagood #viral #2030agenda #population #united #unitedstates #unity #collapse #finance #business #economy #elite #conspiracy #hidden #5g #virus #internet
This is what the post looked like on Instagram at the time of writing:
(Source: Instagram screenshot taken on Thu Feb1 16:44:18 2024 UTC)
The video
The 84-second video, narrated by Gibson, trots out a variety of claims previously debunked by Lead Stories about coronavirus, suggesting COVID vaccines contain nanotechnology and that the virus has been spread by 5G technology. Other debunked claims in the video include "Project Blue Beam" and a one-world government.
This fact check will focus on the claim that COVID vaccines contain the Marburg virus. Here's the transcript of what Gibson said, which is similar to what was included in the caption for the post:
So, if you're not aware of the Marburg virus, that has already been implanted into the people that took the shots. That has nanotechnology in it and sleeper cells within it. It wasn't supposed to kill all the people that it killed, immediately and right now. They're just dropping dead all over the place. That's how they tipped their hand accidentally. We weren't supposed to know this. We were supposed to think that those shots were actually a vaccine that was going to save us. What was really in them is nanoparticles. And they laid dormant until they pulse a signal from the 5G network.
Once they pulse the 5G network, which, by the way, the 5G network has nothing to do with internet. Is anybody's internet faster? Those towers are weapons designed for the military. Those are microwave weapons, and they operate on different frequencies. That's why they're putting 'em up everywhere. You didn't even see cell phone towers all over the place like these things are. It's not required for internet speed. It's designed to run 'Project Blue Beam' technology, which is the holographic technology that's going to fool everybody about the Second Coming of Jesus and the false flag alien invasion.
That's going to get the one world government in place because everybody's gonna be freaked out -- a one world military and a one world religion. That's the whole plan, just so you know.
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health told Lead Stories in a February 1, 2024, email that "The Marburg virus is not a component of the COVID-19 vaccines." The NIAID statement continued:
Marburg virus disease is rare, and mostly occurs in sporadic outbreaks in Africa that are typically initiated after individuals have encounters with infected bats and become infected themselves. The CDC has a full chronology of Marburg virus disease outbreaks here. The last known case of Marburg virus disease in the United States was recognized in 2008, in a traveler who had recently returned from Uganda.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Thomas Skinner, a public affairs officer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, echoed the NIAID and answered "Absolutely not" in a February 1, 2024, email when asked if COVID vaccines contain the Marburg virus. He added:
Marburg virus is only found in nature in a type of fruit bat. Infections spill over to people when they have direct contact with the bats, eat fruit that has been contaminated by the bats' spit, urine or feces, or if they eat infected bats themselves. Some infections between people occur through contact with body fluids from an infected person and in some cases sexual contact with an infected person. There are no known instances of anyone getting Marburg infection from ANY vaccine.
Food and Drug Administration
Cherie Duvall-Jones, a press officer at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), provided the agency's response to the claim on Instagram. A February 1, 2024, email said:
The COVID-19 vaccines approved or authorized for use in the U.S. do not contain the Marburg virus. The information within this social media post is representative of the ongoing proliferation of misinformation and disinformation about the overall safety of vaccines which results in vaccine hesitancy and lowers vaccine uptake.
Additionally, the FDA lists the vaccine ingredients for the COVID vaccines on its website (archived here). None of them include the Marburg virus. This is what the FDA website says:
Vaccine ingredients are always listed in the Fact Sheet for the vaccine under the question 'What are the ingredients in this vaccine?'.
- Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (PDF)
- Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (PDF)
- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (PDF)
Vaccine ingredients are also listed in the package insert.
Lead Stories reached out to vaccine maker Pfizer about the Marburg virus claim in the post and video. The biopharmaceutical company provided this statement on February 1, 2024. It said:
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been reviewed by multiple regulatory authorities, including the EMA and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and advisory bodies globally and has met all safety and quality control guidelines. These agencies approved our COVID-19 vaccine with established specifications for development and manufacturing.
Since its initial authorization for use in December 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been administered to more than 1.5 billion people, has demonstrated a favorable safety profile in all age groups, and has helped protect against severe COVID-19 outcomes, including hospitalization and death.
Pfizer also referred Lead Stories to the package insert for its Comirnaty vaccine, which is on file with the FDA and was mentioned earlier in this story as including a list of the shot's ingredients.
Read more
Additional Lead Stories fact checks of claims about COVID-19 vaccines can be found here.