Did a third grader bring his father's crystal meth to school for show-and-tell? No, that's not true: The story is an old hoax that first made the rounds in 2018. Back then, the post's author admitted it was satire. A TV station in Albuquerque, New Mexico, spoke to local officials, who similarly described the story as fake.
The story first appeared in a Facebook post (archived here) on January 28, 2018. The post opened:
Show-And-Tell has always been a blast for young kids. But, this week at Moriarty Elementary Center, it ended with a parent behind bars.
Isaac Ramirez, 42 of Stanley, was jailed on Monday after his son took crystal meth and drug paraphernalia to school for Show-And-Tell. The 3rd grader showed up with approximately 5 grams of meth and a meth pipe, and couldn't wait to tell his classmates all about it. His teacher was shocked, to say the least.
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
The story was posted by "Pepper Lewis III." In the "About Pepper" section of his Facebook page, the author writes:
Nothing I post is meant to be taken seriously. Names, dates and places have been changed to protect the guilty.
He also weighed in on comments about the meth post, describing the story as satire and saying that "trolling for morons is my hobby." He wrote:
It's satire, a sort of societal commentary meant to provoke a response.
Nevertheless, many people apparently took the story to be true, prompting local TV station KRQE to reach out to local officials to ask about the claims back in 2018. The then-sheriff of Torrance County reportedly received 35 to 40 calls about the fake post. The superintendent told KRQE that the school district quickly investigated and that the teacher quoted didn't even exist.