What the Red Hot Chili Pepper's bass player thinks about Donald Trump is unlikely to sway any Republican voters, but many Democrats may enjoy hearing it.
Flea, who is a Bernie Sanders supporter, shared his thoughts on the GOP field with Rolling Stone magazine a day after Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucuses.
"All they talked about was who could kill the most people the most efficiently," Flea said. "It's disgusting and cold and mean because literally all they talk about is, 'I can kill ISIS,' and it's just not the way. SIS are evil creeps who are disgusting and need to be stopped, but [the candidates] just play right into their hands by alienating. All I hear is racism and 'Build up the military industrial complex' and 'Give people guns.' I don't understand the obsession with death and violence and killing. It doesn't add up for me."
His harshest words were for Trump.
"I can't take Donald Trump or anything he says seriously," Flea said. "I just think that he's a silly reality-show bozo and blustering guy who likes getting attention. I don't think he wants to be president, and I don't think he has a chance to be the president. He's just some egotistical, silly person whose main concern in life is getting a blowjob. He wants to be on TV and he wants everyone to thinks he's important."
The only part of me that wouldn't want Bernie as president is a selfish part that wants 2 hoard money. I choose to embrace love and empathy
-- Flea (@flea333) February 2, 2016