Each year on April 2nd, fact checkers around the globe celebrate International Fact-Checking Day to stress the importance of fact checking. Fact checkers add to the conversation by making accurate information available to everyone and by separating fact from fiction. Because healthy debate starts with having correct information and real examples available instead of bogus statistics and made-up stories.
The International Fact-Checking Network will unveil its State of the Fact-Checkers Report for 2023 in a webinar that brings into focus the characteristics and makeup of the fact-checking community, and those fact checkers' views of the current challenges in promoting information integrity.
The webinar will take place on April 2, 2024, at 9 a.m. EDT in the U.S.; the public is invited for a presentation and discussion followed by a question and answer session.
Also check out these videos produced by the International Fact-Checking Network for the day. If you look closely you'll see there is a cameo by Artie Ficial and Botty McBotface, hosts of our fact checking show The Daily NOT.
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