Is a meme listing 22 points, including conspiracy claims about 5G hazards, adrenochrome, Jeffrey Epstein, Pizzagate, and Britain's Royal Family factual? Mostly no, although some points are true and others are just predictions that cannot be fact checked.
An example of the massive meme is found in a post (archived here) shared on Facebook June 4, 2020. It opened:
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Tue Jun 9 14:56:23 2020 UTC)
Below is a screenshot of the post's claims. For the remainder of the post, which attempts to explain its reasoning, read to the bottom for the second-part screenshot:
It's a long list, so we'll take it one by one:
The entire world is in lockdown.
Let that sink in..
(If it hasn't already)
No, this is not true considering, at the time of the post -- June 4 -- most economies in the United States and globally had started reopening through phased plans that allow various industries, including restaurants and office buildings, to start resuming business. Also, there is no evidence that, at any point during the COVID-19 pandemic, the "entire world" was in lockdown. There are reports, in fact, that the lockdowns saved perhaps millions of lives.
5G is being rolled out world wide conveniently at the same time....
(Research health effects of 5G)
Prince Harry and Megan leave the royal family.
(I would too if I found out my own family had my mother killed, and were satan worshipping, child traffickers)
While it is true that Harry and Megan left their royal duties to pursue a more independent life, the second part about the Royal Family being "satan worshipping, child traffickers" is backed by no evidence. The Royal Family have been known to practice the Christian faith in the Anglican Church. In fact, Queen Elizabeth II is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
Prince Andrew is accused for pedophilia and was extremely close with Jeffrey Epstein.
(A convicted pedophile)Research Epstein Island, Lolita express(if you have a strong stomach)
Research Pizzagate(if you can handle it)
A popular D.C. pizzeria and a number of surrounding businesses are being inundated with death threats because of a mushrooming online conspiracy theory accusing them of being at the center of an international child trafficking ring tied to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, satanism, and punk bands. How did this happen? As what's being called Pizzagate shows, when the right conditions are present, the web can be used to perpetuate wildly irresponsible nonsense that has very real world effects.
The theory of the Pizzagate true believers is a work in progress, but the gist is that close allies of Hillary Clinton are using secret areas of Chevy Chase's Comet Ping Pong to rape children as part of a broader child trafficking operation in which "pizza" is used as code for kids. It first appeared on the politics message board of 4chan, a hive of internet trolling, metastasized on the biggest pro-Donald Trump subreddit, served as a convenient distraction for institutions loyal to Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and is now percolating on forums across the internet, as self-identified "investigators" comb the web for further clues. In the process, the frenzied pedo-truthers have published the personal information of numerous private citizens and bombarded their social media accounts, homes, and places of business with graphic threats."
Wiki leaks exposed Hillary Clinton for being a child sex trafficker (along with Obama, Podesta and many other people in power) and she conveniently deletes over 300,000 emails, and destroys a laptop and mobile phone she used while in office... and gets away with it??
And it was not denied in the mainstream media, as shown by this video from CNN:Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, 'bleached' emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?
-- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2017
Trump gets elected.
Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood's biggest germ was finally arrested for sex crimes (another elite pedo) .. all of a sudden he gets the "virus"...?
Prince Charles & now also the Queen conveniently have the "virus", yet the queen fled the palace to self isolate weeks ago...?
All of your Hollywood favourites have the virus. Adrenochrome is your topic here, research it.
Bill gates is pushing vaccines and global depopulation, and he conveniently owns 15% of the WHO (World Health Organisation). Yes, the WHO is a business, go figure. Which is also owned by George Soros and the Rockerfellers. Don't know them? Research them. (This information alone should make your stomach churn).
Google is currently uncensored and you can access this information. (Why now?)
Whilst you're there, keep googling "Adrenochrome" and start to follow the trail...
An Adrenochrome batch was made in Wuhan... how fitting...?(Connecting the dots yet?)
US has deployed 30,000 troops to Europe. "for training". Without masks or any hand sanitizer...
600 Mexican drug cartels have recently been arrested, one of the biggest busts in history by the U.S... why didn't we hear about that?
Trump openly speaks about this more and more in his daily press releases as the days roll on, speaking about winning the 'war, and barely mentioning the actual virus in his 'Coronavirus' briefings.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA) have made more than 600 arrests as part of 'Project Python', an interagency operation targeting Mexican drug cartel activity.
The DEA-led initiative focused on members of Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG), one of the most dangerous drug cartels in the world, who were monitored by federal law enforcement officials over a six month period.
The agencies announced that the operation resulted in 600 arrests nationwide, 350 indictments and seizures of money and drugs.
298 Saudi's royals, billionaires, lawyers and judges were recently arrested for crimes and corruption.
Saudi Arabia's new mass arrest of 298 government employees on suspicion of corruption raises human rights concerns, Human Rights Watch said today. Saudi authorities should immediately reveal the legal and evidentiary basis for each person's detention and make certain that each person detained can exercise their due process rights.
Saudi Arabia's previous corruption crackdown, in November 2017, included the detention of dozens of prominent businessmen, royal family members, and current and former government officials for three months at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Riyadh. While the people were in detention, the authorities pressured them to hand over assets to the state in exchange for their release, outside of any recognizable legal process. Some of those detained in November 2017 remain in detention without charge, including Turki bin Abdullah, the son of the late King Abdullah and the former governor of Riyadh; Adel al-Fakih, a former minister; and Bakr Binladin, a construction mogul.
"The fight against corruption is no excuse for flagrant due process violations and preventing people from mounting an adequate defense," said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "Given their track record of abuse, the Saudi authorities should make fundamental reforms to the justice system to ensure that the accused will not be railroaded in unfair legal proceedings."
The Saudi Press Agency first reported the arrests.
3 Chinese including 1 Harvard professor were prosecuted for economic espionage a few weeks ago.. which is all extremely relevant to Wuhan, Covid-19 and everything that's going on right now. Research this.
Trump crashed the Fed bank, they bought all of the gold and now hold the keys to creating a gold back currency, removing the fiat. The fed and treasury were basically merged meaning that Trump is now the Chairman for the global banking system with the people's money. Not the rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Soros, Goldman the list goes on.. this is HISTORIC.
In passing the CARES Act of 2020, Congress created something new under the sun: a Treasury fund of some $454 billion that must be invested in Federal Reserve (Fed) created emergency facilities. America has never seen anything like it. This explainer walks through what this new fund is, what it isn't, and what the public can expect from these resources as they are deployed.
Section 4003 of the CARES Act designates $500 billion for the Treasury to use in specific ways. It gives Treasury $46 billion for specific sectoral lending mostly within aviation--$29 billion for airlines and air carriers, $17 billion for "businesses critical to maintaining national security." Treasury enjoys substantial autonomy with the terms of these funds. The remaining $454 billion has a single purpose for Treasury to use it: "investments in programs or facilities established by" the Federal Reserve.
In other words, Congress just appropriated almost half a trillion dollars for one part of the government to invest in another.
Put another way:
What is simply happening is that the FED has given the Treasury department access to its printing press. Whatever the Treasury department needs to purchase in the financial markets, the FED is sure to provide the money. In essence, the Treasury Department appears to be in control of the central bank.
For this to be possible, the economy must be crashed. All corrupt coin needs to be drained. A 14-28 day lock down is the best way to do this and even better way to re-distribute the money back to people on government grants, payg refunds for business and ato offsets.. making sense yet? No longer will 99% of the worlds wealth be owned by an evil, greedy and corrupt 1%.
Believe what you want. Take what I say with a grain of salt... but open your eyes beyond the virus... and gosh.. just do some research! It's all happening.
Dozens of the worlds most powerful CEO's have stood down.. why? Disney, Microsoft, Groupon and over 1300 of the top CEO's.. gone. This was before the crash mind you... what are they running from???
Thousands of arrests have been made for child trafficking, human trafficking and sex abuse.. but the media is not telling you that... what are they hiding? Nurses are coming forward speaking publicly about the fact they're treating hundreds of children in hospitals right now.. not for Coronavirus but for malnutrition, some extremely deformed, and all with extreme psychiatric damage due to trauma.
It's widely known there are underground tunnel systems (research D.U.M.B ) that have been used for decades to traffick people for sex slaves and organ harvesting, across the globe. There is currently a monumental military operation going down, lead by POTUS to uncover these children, arrest those involved, and stop this evil once and for all.