Were 2 million women and children held captive under The Getty Museum in Los Angeles last year? No, that's not true. "These claims are fictitious and dangerous and of course we refute them," Lisa Lapin, vice president of communications, J. Paul Getty Trust, told Lead Stories. A claim has gone viral that the museum has a secret "underground pedophile lair and dungeon" where 2 million women and children were held captive last year. There is no evidence that any of the claims are true and there is no practical explanation how it could be physically possible.
The claim appeared as a post (archived here) where it was published on Facebook on November 25, 2019, and has gone viral since. It opened:
Research the Getty Museum...a 940K sq ft fireproof pedophile fortress with 12 stories underground.
2 million women and children were underneath here last year.
This is what the post looked like on Facebook at the time of writing:
(Source: Facebook screenshot taken on Tue Aug 11 21:27:54 2020 UTC)
The post continued:
Every A list celebrity has a secret elevator at their house that leads to a tunnel system which all lead to the Getty Museum underground pedophile lair and dungeon that has been there for hundreds of years.
Sure would be amazing to make this go viral and have this exposed on MSM.
Imagine when everyone finds out about what has been going on literally under their feet.
They can't stop us all. Make this go viral!
( remember to change your search engine to DuckDuckGo.com before searching to actually get results RHAT aren't hidden by google! )"
Here is a similar claim on Facebook:
Investigate the Getty Museum, a pedophile fortress with more than 12 floors underground. Two million women and children...
Posted by Killuminati Soldiers on Wednesday, July 15, 2020
The claim seems to be referring to The Getty Museum in Brentwood, Calif. and not the Getty Villa -- also a museum -- in Malibu. The Getty Museum in Brentwood was built over 13 years, from architect selection to opening, on land that previously was undeveloped wilderness wildland. It consists of a 940,000-square-foot complex that is spread over 24 acres of a 110-acre site, an LA Times article states. There was nothing in the location before The Getty was built and there were no secret underground dungeon and lair there for "hundreds of years."
The Getty has corridors that are lined with offices, studios and conference rooms that are part of a high-rise building that goes below ground, with many areas built into the mountain side, but none are a lair or dungeon.
The Getty is "fireproof" Popular Science magazine reported, in the sense that the building was designed by architect Richard Meier to withstand fires, as wildfires are a threat in the dry southern California location. The trees and brush are kept trimmed and here are more details about the museum's extensive efforts to keep the building and contents safe from fire:
Embedded beneath this garden is an extensive network of pipes. They're connected to a 1 million-gallon water tank underneath the museum's parking garage. Should sparks fly, as they did in the 2017 Skirball fires that touched the base of the Getty's property, the sprinklers activate, wetting the soil and stopping the fire in its tracks. "This is the safest place the artwork could be in a situation like a wildfire," Ron Hartwig, the center's communication director, told CNN at the time. "While we are worried and will be until the last ember is out, we believe the art collection is in the safest place they can be."
We Like LA described the 1-million gallon tank that was built and the food rations that are stored at The Getty:
For instance, construction was already underway when the Northridge Quake happened in 1994, allowing engineers to observe the site and make changes based on structural safety. In fact, the Getty Center might be one of the safest places in L.A. in a dire situation. There is a 1 million-gallon water tank beneath the Center and rations to feed several people for several days, should access to the Center be cut off. During the recent wildfires, Hartwig said the Getty was able to accommodate 200 firefighters who showered, ate meals, and slept at the Getty in between the grueling challenges of battling the blaze."
There are no tunnels that leave the property and lead to Hollywood A-listers' homes. That would involve construction of miles of tunnels to homes that could well be occupied by non-celebrity residents during the lifetime of the house.
Another claim in the viral post is "2 million women and children" are held underneath the Getty. To do this, the facility would need to be massive. For comparison, the Los Angeles County prison is the largest prison system in the United States, with almost 20,000 inmates. The amount of land covered by the Los Angeles County Prison is almost twice the size of Delaware, Largest.org and CNN reported. That is just a fraction of the people the claim says are being held under the museum.
In effect, the post states that a population equivalent to that of a small city has been secretly housed and maintained without attracting the attention of law enforcement, media or area residents. It offers no evidence or anything to substantiate that baseless claim.
Lead Stories has debunked several false conspiracy claims concerning human trafficking and pedophilia, including:
Fake News: CIA Agent Does NOT Blow Whistle, Does NOT Say 'We Supply Elite Pedophiles With Children'