Are COVID-19 vaccines full of razorlike graphene nanoparticles that are killing athletes and others? No, that's not true: No ingredient lists for the vaccines include graphene and no credible independent lab has produced evidence graphene particles are in the vaccines.
The claim arises from a video (archived here) of German chemist Andreas Noack, posted to BitChute November 28, 2021, titled "Dr. Andreas Noack released this video and died/killed shortly after." It opened:
He explains the graphene hydroxide is not biodegradable and will eventually kill all who has taken it. After this video was released, Dr Noack was attacked and killed.
Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:
Dr. Andreas Noack released this video and died/killed shortly after.
He explains the graphene hydroxide is not biodegradable and will eventually kill all who has taken it. After this video was released, Dr Noack was attacked and killed.
Claims that Noack was murdered are not supported by evidence, as Lead Stories reported November 30, 2021. This fact check addresses claims in the Noack video that he had proof a high-tech graphene material is in the vaccines. Noack, a Ph.D. in chemistry from Darmstadt Technical University in Germany, became known to anti-vaccine social media users worldwide in November 2020, when a video of one of his livestreams went viral.
In a video posted to Noack's Telegram channel on November 23, 2021, which is reproduced in the above post with English subtitles, the chemist claimed the vaccines against COVID contain graphene oxide, or, as he claims, graphene hydroxide, which allegedly act as nanosized razor blades inside the body.
Lead Stories has debunked claims that COVID vaccines contain graphene oxide, specifically those that, like Noack, allege a Spanish researcher documented the claim.
Noack opens the video by saying a scientist, professor Pablo Campra Madrid, found graphene oxide in the vaccines, a claim that has been undermined at its source, as Lead Stories reported August 6, 2021. He specializes in lab biotechnology and horticulture as it applies to the climate.
Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, was hired by an anti-vaccine activist to examine a sample alleged to be of the Pfizer vaccine. His published report said further, more advanced, analysis would be necessary. He published a provisional report on June 28, 2021, about what he observed of the sample using an optical and an electron microscope. On July 2, 2021, the University of Almeria published a tweet that said claims that he found graphene are false. The university pointed out reports about Campra's work are (according to a rough translation):
... misrepresenting the content of an unofficial report by a University professor about an analysis of a sample of unknown origin with total lack of traceability. Report that this university neither subscribes nor shares, as the report itself warns.
Noack goes on to say, at the 1:19 mark, that what has been found in samples of vaccine are graphene hydroxide particles 50 nanometers long and .1 nanometers thick, best describable as tiny razor blades. At the 2:12 mark, he describes them as positively charged and functioning like an acid and goes on at 2:44 to say the graphene cuts blood vessel linings. At 4:20, Noack says top athletes who are dropping dead are victims of their fast-flowing blood circulating the razors and that chemists who contributed to the vaccine are murderers.
Lead Stories has reached out to graphene material suppliers to check Noack's descriptions and will update this fact check, as appropriate, when they reply.
Lead Stories has investigated claims of mass deaths of vaccinated athletes, to which Noack appears to be referring, and found some counted as dead are not dead and that there is no evidence of vaccine-caused deaths of soccer players and other prominent sportswomen and men.
The ingredients listed on the FDA approval fact sheet for the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine do not include graphene.
The AstraZeneca COVID vaccine also does not have graphene listed in the ingredients, nor does the Moderna vaccine.
Nonetheless, anti-vaccine activists have repeatedly claimed, without credible evidence, that vaccine makers have added graphene to vaccines as a means to control people as part of a secret plot for global dominion.