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A fake news website named World News Daily Report posted an article titled "WOMAN ARRESTED FOR TRAINING SQUIRRELS TO ATTACK HER EX-BOYFRIEND" recently. It came with a mugshot of a crazy looking woman with crossed eyes and a maniacal smile.
The website World News Daily Report is a well known hoax website specialized in posting hoaxes and made up stories. The disclaimer on their website is pretty clear about that even though you have to scroll all the way down the page to find it:
WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website - even those based on real people - are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.
That didn't stop people from sharing the story as you can see in the Trendolizer graph at the end of this article. If you notice anyone spreading the rumor around you can help by pointing them to this article here because nobody likes fake news.
2017-11-01T09:18:08Z 2017-11-01T09:18:08Z The story has gone viral again on a site named Change Post.