Fake news website World News Daily Report published an article simply titled "Qatar: Jealous Husband Seals Wife's Vagina with Crazy Glue" today, another one in a long series of articles about outrageous, made up crimes. Today's offering starts like this:
A Qatari man thought it was a good idea to seal his wife's vagina with crazy glue as he was going away for a few days on a business trip, reports the Doha Tribune this morning.
The 33-year-old man was brought forth before the court after his wife was rushed off to the emergency room and suffered medical complications and excruciating pain.
He confessed to the judge that he was guilty of gluing her genitals but only because he believed she had adulterous ideas after he found out she had liked a post of his 12-year-old cousin on Facebook.
The name of the supposed judge was "Muhammad Bin Saden" and predictably the husband got off with a $10 fine while the woman fared a lot worse:
Also, the judge pointed out that, after going through the evidence and photos the husband had brought to court, the suffering was in part justified but still decided the woman should be administered 100 lashes as to prevent further "misunderstandings" between her and her husband.
The image used with the story actually comes from a 2010 story from France about polygamy featuring Lies Hebbadj (the veiled woman).
The website World News Daily Report is a well known hoax website specialized in posting hoaxes and made up stories. The disclaimer on their website is pretty clear about that even though you have to scroll all the way down the page to find it:
WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website - even those based on real people - are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle.
Usually the fare on World News Daily Report is about crazy, over-the-top crimes with a high WTF-factor. Today's offering veers uncomfortably close to inciting religious hatred and racism in our opinion but it still is getting quite a few likes on Facebook as the Trendolizer graph at the end of this article demonstrates. If you see people believing this story and getting their stereotypes reinforced by it, don't hesitate to send them here to learn the truth.