Were Islamists really marching in Denmark demanding a child marriage law? A video circulating through a Facebook page named "News World" would have you believe muslims are protesting in the streets in Denmark demanding a child marriage law. This is not what actually is shown in the video, that part is a complete fabrication.
We've embedded the post below for as long as it stays up, and the archived version of the video can be viewed here:
The Facebook post was published on March 6, 2018 and carried the caption "News World | WTF!!?? Islamists marching in Denmark demanding a child marriage law" (archived here).
However the video appears to show a 2012 protest by the Denmark branch of Hizb Ut-Tahrir about the war in Syria. You can even see a picture of the event we found directly on Hizb Ut-Tahrir Denmark's own website which we've embedded below through Google's Image Search (archived here):
Google Image Result for http://hizb-ut-tahrir.dk/upload/images/Gallery/Protestmarch%20Syrien%20Februar%202012/_DSC3667.jpg
That doesn't mean Hizb Ut-Tahrir is just a harmless religious organisation: already back in 2015 there were calls to have the organization banned in Denmark. But not for calling for child marriage laws, that is completely made up.