Were California school children forced "to sharia" in class and did they subsequently stop eating bacon? Did two of them start "spreaking in Allah"? Of course not, that doesn't even make sense.
A meme published on April 2, 2018 by Facebook page America's Last Line Of Defense captioned "STOP THIS MADNISS NOW!!!!!" (archived here) claimed just that:
California school children forced to sharia in class...
...all of them have stopped eating bacon. Two began speaking in Allah.
Stop making children pray to imaginary gods!!!
Of course the entire thing is nonsense: "sharia" is a noun, not a verb, so "to sharia" means nothing. And "Allah" is not a language so you can't speak in it. And it is widely accepted even by religious people that (most other) gods are imaginary.
The purpose of the meme was to mock religious and conservative people who were fooled into sharing it, something often done by that Facebook page. Judging by the almost 1000 shares it got that seems to have worked out pretty well.