Was the Mercado Roma restaurant recently visited by ICE and were none of the employees found to be legal American residents? The first part is definitely false since the restaurant is located in Mexico City, Mexico so ICE has no jurisdiction there. The second part doesn't really matter anyway: who cares if employees in a Mexican restaurant in Mexico are legal American residents or not?
On May 19, 2018 the Facebook page of "America's Last Line of Defense" posted a meme captioned:
Mercado Roma Restaurant was recently visited by I.C.E.
Not one single employee was a legal American resident. Not one.
(post archived here)
Along with the phrase:
Mercado Roma is actually in Mexico City, Mexico:
Inside Mercado Roma, Mexico City's Newest Foodie Destination
Tomorrow, more than 120 galleries from 22 countries will descend upon Mexico City for the 12th edition of the Zona Maco International Contemporary Art Fair. And this year, the art set has a new culinary destination to hit up between booth visits: Mercado Roma.
The about page of the Facebook page labels the content as satire:
Nothing on this page is real. It is a collection of the satirical whimsies of liberal trolls masquerading as conservatives. You have been warned.Impressum
Use the force and the truth shall reveal itself. Just not here. Ever.Products
Good Old Fashioned Liberal Troll Provided Fantasy presented as comedy to the left and a social experiment to the right. Please don't hurt the Trumpanzees. they'll be gone in a few years back to the shadows from whence they came and we'll be back to trolling Tea Turds.