Fact Check: FAKE Ashley St. Clair Post Mentions Conceiving Elon's Baby With IVF And DNA From 'Other Organisms'

Fact Check

  • by: Maarten Schenk
Fact Check: FAKE Ashley St. Clair Post Mentions Conceiving Elon's Baby With IVF And DNA From 'Other Organisms' Fake Post

Does a viral screenshot show a real X post from Ashley St. Clair talking about conceiving a baby with Elon Musk using "IVF with PGT-M & CRISPR" and saying the "DNA now includes enhancements from other organisms"? No, that's not true: The post did not appear on St. Clair's X account, and it was not indexed by Google. All versions of the screenshot circulating show the post with the exact same view count and scroll bar.

An example of the screenshot can be seen in this X post (archived here) published on February 16, 2025. The text in the screenshot read:

Elon and I were not 'together' despite the claims circulating. Elon and I used IVF with PGT-M & CRISPR to ensure our baby had the best traits.
Elon managed the process and assured me everything would be alright. Our little one's DNA now includes enhancements from other organisms for superior intelligence & health and we couldn't be happier.
This is why I agreed to it because I trust Elon's judgment not only with the future of my country but also for my baby. I hope this clears things up and the trolls should go back into their caves. Now leave us alone!

This is what the image looked like:

(Source: image dowloaded from x.com by Lead Stories on February 16 at 22:55:13 UTC)

Lead Stories checked Ashley St. Clair's X account (archived here) and did not see the post in question. Her bio said:

Occasionally funny. Author. Director. Press inquiries: don't inquire.

So we didn't inquire.

A Google search for the phrase "Our little one's DNA now includes enhancements from other organisms for superior intelligence" was limited to results containing x.com/stclairashley (using the "site:" search operator) returned no results (archived here), indicating Google didn't recently index such a post.

All screenshots of the supposed post reviewed by Lead Stories showed the same view count (173 Views) and scroll bar on the right. If the post had been real the expectation would be that more screenshots circulating showing different view counts and/or layouts (night vs. day mode, mobile vs. web interface...).

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  Maarten Schenk

Maarten Schenk is the co-founder and COO/CTO of Lead Stories and an expert on fake news and hoax websites. He likes to go beyond just debunking trending fake news stories and is endlessly fascinated by the dazzling variety of psychological and technical tricks used by the people and networks who intentionally spread made-up things on the internet.

Read more about or contact Maarten Schenk

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